What do 200,000 babies and a programming wing have in common?
They were born during lockdown.
From frustration an idea took shape
June 2020: With theaters and schools closed, it was very hard to develop Eos proficiency without physical hardware. Thus the quest to design a homemade programming wing.
Prototypes are always messy
July 2020: Completely hand-soldered and driven by 2 separate microcontrollers running various open-source code, the programming wing was beginning to function as one cohesive device.
Christened the "Quark"
August 2020: It was smaller than an Ion (thus the name) and uglier too, but it was complete.
Keeping what counts
September 2020: Even before the Quark went out on its first show, the fader portion of the device seemed to be the best part. The idea came to made a separate miniature fader wing next.
Another member of the family
September 2020: Named for something smaller than a quark came the Neutrino™, and the brand name: Subatomic Show Control.
"I'd buy that"
September 2020: That was the feedback from the first professional designer who saw the Neutrino™ and then used it for a small show. The idea for a business began here.
Exploring what's next
May 2021: The device was thick and the buttons were small. If the Neutrino™ was ever going to sell, it would have to use a circuit board and proper hardware.
Run one
July 2021: Six of these original Neutrino™ units were given out or sold to friends. They weren't without issues. The fitment was poor, and each circuit board had to be modified to fix design errors. Still, users loved the device and gave their thoughts on how to make it better.
A massive leap of faith
August 2023: Two years after the first run, it was time to go all in. After revising based on feedback and making a large investment in parts, the Neutrino™ was unveiled on August 3rd 2023.
It sold out in less than 24 hours. After tripling the parts order, it sold out again in less than 3 days.
What makes a factory
August 2023: A lot of work, it turns out. The lines between living space and manufacturing space began to blur.
Adored around the globe
Today, the Neutrino™ can be found in 8 different countries spanning 3 continents. From IATSE film sets to university theaters, the Neutrino is empowering individuals to chart their own career and design without limits wherever they find themselves.